FW: Multiple Applications based in UCI data center will be down for Planned Maintenance on Friday January 6 at 9:30pm to 11:30pm

(Apologies for any duplicate emails.) Please see below regarding planned downtime tonight from 9:30-11:30pm. Kuali Research Proposal Development, Negotiations, and Award will be affected.   From: David Tieu <david.tieu@uci.edu&gt; Sent: Friday, January 6, 2023 2:15 PM To: OR-DL-ERA-Team <erateam@exchange.uci.edu&gt;; Greg Ruth <greg.ruth@uci.edu&gt;; Daniel S. Nguyen <dsnguyen@uci.edu&gt;; Jian-Guo Zheng <jzheng@calit2.uci.edu&gt;; ULAR Orders <ULARorders@uci.edu&gt;; Soo Lee <sooyl@uci.edu&gt;;…