UCI Research Policy LIbrary
This is a list of policies relevant to the administration, execution and conduct of research at the University of California, Irvine. This policy library is non-exhaustive. Further information may be found under each topic area (e.g. Human Research Protections, Animal Care and Use, Export Controls, etc.) on this website.
UC Systemwide Policy and Guidance
- UC Contract and Grant Manual
- Citizenship and Nondiscrimination
- Conflict of Interest
- Export Control
- Human Subjects
- Intellectual Property
- Principles Regarding Rights to Future Research Results
- Records Retention
- Research Involving Animals
Additional policies from UCOP may be found on their Research Policy Analysis and Coordination page.
Eligibility to Conduct Research
- Competency of Research Faculty, Staff and Students in the Use of Subjects
- Principal Investigator Eligibility and Project Leadership
- Principal Investigator Eligibility Exception Requests
- Eligibility to Serve as Lead Researcher [Under Revision]
Responsibilities for Conduct & Administration of Research
Regulatory Non-compliance and Research Misconduct
Research with Animal Subjects
- Vertebrate Animals in Research and Teaching
- Compliance with Federal Regulations in the Use of Research Subjects
Please visit the Animal Research Policy & Guidance Library for more in depth information.
Sponsored Projects
- Budgeting & Charging Administrative Expenses to Sponsored Projects
- Cost Sharing on Sponsored Projects
- Requirement to Submit Proposals & Receive Awards through UCI
- Policy Requiring Special Review/Approval Procedures Prior to University Submission of Research Proposals to Tobacco Industry Funders
- Policy on Full Cost Recovery and Facilities & Administrative (F&A) Cost Rate Waivers or Reductions
- Guidelines for UCI Employee Participation in the SBIR & STTR Grant Programs
- Guidelines for Submitting Proposals to Sponsored Projects
- Implementation Guidelines for Tobacco Industry Funding of Research
Stem Cell Research
Human Subjects Research
Conflict of Interest
- Disclosure & Review of Principal Investigator’s Financial Interests in Non-governmental Sponsors (State Policy)
- Disclosure of Financial Interests Related to Public Health Service Sponsored Projects for Promoting Objectivity in Research
- Conflicts of Interest in Human Subjects Research
- Â Interim Department of Energy (DOE) Conflict of Interest Policy