ERA's mission is to lead Research Administration's process innovation and support its technology decisions to grow UCI's research enterprise.
Our 3 Focus Areas:

The ERA Team takes the initiative to introduce change for the better. As one of the key points of Pillar 2 of the Strategic Plan is to utilize modern technological tools to create the most effective learning environments, the ERA Team similarly wants to take that approach with systems & processes used in Research Administration – we want to ensure that the campus is using the most efficient systems & processes available; and if not, then working together to make those needed improvements.

Systems Support
The ERA Team is committed to the campus to ensure its readiness in utilization of electronic systems – by way of formal hands-on training and training guides; maintenance of current systems that are already efficiently running; and ensuring data integrity.

Supporting Growth
The ERA Team’s efforts have one cumulative goal in mind – to expand UCI’s research enterprise. This aligns with Pillar 1 of the Strategic Plan by implementing systems that help department admins & faculty assemble their best proposals in order to bring in extramural funding and reach the goal of increasing research expenditures to over $500 million.
Other ways to connect with us:
For general messaging from ERA, please sign up for OR-ERA listserv by sending a blank email to:
For specific messaging about the RMS system, please sign up for OR-RMS-USERS listserv by sending a blank email to: