Kuali Research Protocols (KRP)

KR Protocols is made to help you go through UCI's research determination process. This would involve going through the Institutional Review Board (IRB)  or the Human Stem Cell Research Oversight (hSCRO) committee.

Note: This user guide is still a work in progress, and any section with the marker "[INC]" is incomplete. If you have any questions that are not covered in here, feel free to email our Electronic Research Administration team at era@research.uci.edu. Our team would be happy to assist.

NEW! KRP Mapping Tool

You can now view our entire protocols questions including Amendment, Close Request, Event, and Renewal forms! This tool is designed to assist users in navigating KRP better by showing all possible paths for protocols.

The KRP User Guide

IRB & hSCRO Submissions

General Tips

Ancillary IRB Partner Review

Department Chair Sign-Off

Reportable Events [INC]

IRB Members Only