Getting Started – User & Team Roles

Users and Teams

  • Users: Individuals authorized to access RMS. Everyone who has a valid UCInetID and has completed the required training can be added to the list of authorized users. Each user is given access to RMS through the IACUC Administrative staff or Electronic Research Administration (eRA) and is assigned a “role” (or multiple roles) as determined by their research responsibilities.
  • Teams: Users are grouped together in “Teams”, which correspond to the group(s) in which they work. All research personnel are assigned to the team corresponding to the laboratory in which they work. All members of a given Team have access to all protocols for that team.

Research Roles in RMS

  • IACUC Investigator: Can create/edit AUPs, can review all protocols associated with his/her team assignment, and order animals. Can be listed as a Principal Investigator/Lead Researcher on a given protocol ONLY if eligible under UCI policy to serve in that capacity.
    • Examples: Lead Researcher, Principal Investigator, Co-Investigator, Senior Researcher
  • In-Life Staff: Can review all AUPs associated with his/her team assignment, but cannot create/edit new protocols. Can work with animals under protocols on which they are listed. Depending on their individual permission settings, researchers with this role may or may not be authorized to order animals.
    • Examples: Specialists, Postdocs, Students, Lab Techs

Other Roles in RMS

  • IACUC Committee: Read-only access to all protocols regardless of team assignment. Review access to protocols in selected status (Full Committee Review, Designated Member Review, IACUC e-review).
  • IACUC Coordinator: Read-only access to all protocols.
  • Veterinarian: Read-only access to all protocols. Full access to Animal Management features.