Air Pollution Health Effects Laboratory (APHEL)

Faculty staff and students outside the Air Pollution Health Effects Laboratory (APHEL)

The Air Pollution Health Effects Laboratory (APHEL) was established with California Air Resources Board (ARB) funds in 1973 on the U.C. Irvine North Campus under the direction of Robert F. Phalen, PhD to study the health effects of current and projected air pollutants inhaled by California populations. The initial purpose of the laboratory was to…

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World Institute for Sustainable Development of Materials (WISDOM)

Wisdom Banner

The World Institute for Sustainable Development of Materials (WISDOM) was founded in 2020 with a $1 million gift from the Lincoln Dynamic Foundation. The new institute will advance interdisciplinary research, education and knowledge translation in an effort to innovate, evaluate and adopt technologies that utilize safer, nontoxic chemicals and materials, with the goal of mitigating…

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