New to UCI?

Transferring established research projects can be a complicated process, especially if there are live animals that need to be moved from one institution to another.  The IACUC Administrative Office works closely with University Laboratory Animal Resources (ULAR), Campus Veterinarians, and the Sponsored Projects office to help your laboratory's move to UCI as seamless as possible.The overview of the process is:

IACUC New to UCI Flowchart

Quick Start Information

  • Setting up your lab at UCI

    • Activate your UCInetIDQuestions about UCInetIDs? Contact the Office of Information Technology at or (949) 824-2222
      Once activated, your UCInetID and emaill address should be set up (this is important for us to enter you into our system)
    • You may need a temporary Faculty Sponsor if you're submitting your IACUC application prior to your UCI appointment being finalized. Your department chair and colleagues in nearby labs are a great resource for advice regarding this.
      See our policies about Faculty Sponsors and Lead Researcher Eligibility.

  • Submitting your IACUC Application

    1. Complete the Training Requirements (CITI, LAOHP)
      Working with live animals requires completion of 2 main components: the CITI Lab Animal Basic Training and the Laboratory Animal Occupational Health Program (LAOHP) questionnaire. It is recommended that all study team members, especially the Lead Researcher, complete these requirements prior to submission so that you can be enter into our system. See our Training Requirements webpage for more info.
      • Log into CITI and enroll in the Basic Training course, and any other species-specific modules. You may also try to Transfer CITI Credit from another institution.
      • Enroll or opt out of the LAOHP Questionnaire (instructions to opt out are within the questionnaire). This will need to be updated annually.

    Submit your protocol online through the Research Management System (RMS)
    Note: Must be on the campus network or UCI VPN to access RMS. 

    See IACUC Submission Guidance for steps on how to submit in RMS.For assistance with RMS, contact also see the online committee calendar for submission deadlines and meeting dates – It is strongly recommended to submit as soon as possible!
    (Our agenda is first-come, first serve and can fill up quickly.)

  • Transferring Animals or Veterinary Consultations

    For veterinary consultations or to transfer animals from your institution to UCI, contact

  • Other committee review may be required

    You may need additional committee review and approvals before you can begin your animal work, if you use any of the following:

    • Hazardous Agents (e.g., infectious agents, human/primate materials, recombinant DNA, chemical, etc.) may require IBC review – Contact or (949) 824-8024
    • Human Stem Cells (e.g., embryonic, induced adult hSCs, etc.) may require hSCRO review – Contact
    • Radioactive agents or instruments (e.g., iodinated proteins, irradiator, X-rays, etc.) may require RSC review – Contact RSC at (949) 824-6098 or (949) 824-4557
    • Human cells (e.g., patient cancer cells, blood, tissues, etc.) may require IRB review – Contact