Training & Education Requirements for Laboratory Animal Use

Learn more about the education, training, and safety assessments you must complete before being authorized to work with live animals at UCI:

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  • CITI program logo

    CITI Training

    Basic training in the ethical and humane use of live animals in research is provided via the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) and is required prior to protocol submission. Refresher training is required every 3 years.

  • Woman In Lab Safety Gear

    LAOHP (Laboratory Animal Occupational Health Program)

    The purpose of the Laboratory Animal Occupational Health Program (LAOHP) is to identify, evaluate, manage and reduce potential health risks associated with the care and use of animals.

    Completion of the LAOHP questionnaire is required annually for everyone with live animal contact.

  • Woman Looking At Apps And Forms Page

    ULAR Researcher Training Class

    This required class covers ULAR policies and procedures, and some IACUC policies. 

  • Animal Housing Thumbnail

    Training for ULAR Animal Facility Access

    Includes ULAR classroom training, animal facility orientation tour, and other applicable CITI training.

  • Mouse holding finger of person with medical gloves on

    Animal Procedures Training

    Procedural instructions and hands-on training by ULAR Veterinary Services for animal handling, basic biomethodology, surgical techniques, etc.

  • Man Wearing Safety Vest

    EH&S Personnel Safety Training

    Determine your personal safety-training needs by completing the Safety Training Self Assessment.

  • Ucinetid Login Screen

    "Sponsored" or "Guest" UCINetID

    An active UCINetID is required for everyone working with live animals in research or teaching activities at UCI.  See information on obtaining a UCINetID for visitors.

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Personnel Training Record

Research personnel participating in activities with live animals require hands-on training of the procedures they will be performing with live animals. Documentation of this training ensures that anyone handling live animals is adequately trained to do so.

One training record sheet should be maintained for EACH member of the study team to document the training they received related to their assigned activities with live animals. Submission of this form to the IACUC is NOT required. Please maintain these records within your lab. These records may be requested during facility inspections.