Reporting Animal Welfare Concerns

The IACUC relies on the observations of individuals to ensure the well-being of all research animals. All research personnel as well as animal husbandry staff are encouraged to contact the IACUC Administrative Office if they:

  • See animals that appear to be in pain/distress;
  • Witness or are involved in an incident that may impact the welfare of laboratory animals at UCI;
  • Have a concern about the conduct of personnel handling laboratory animals;
  • Have a concern about protocol integrity or possible scientific misconduct.

These reports can be made by phone, email, or in writing. All reports are treated with the strictest confidence; your anonymity will be protected.

If you see something, say something!

IACUC Administrative Office: (949) 824-8984, -8664, or -3035
ULAR: (949) 824-7788

Office of Research - Research Protections
324 Aldrich Hall, Irvine CA 92697-7600

Mouse holding on to finger of gloved hand in lab setting