Important Recruitment Reminders for Researchers!


Institutional Review Board

Human Research Protections (HRP)

HRP Listserv: Important Recruitment Reminders for Researchers!


Version August 23, 2023


When recruiting human research subjects, keep in mind the following:

  1. Lightbulb Graphic Images – Browse 351,285 Stock Photos, Vectors, and Video  | Adobe StockImplementation of the Gender Recognition and Lived Name Policy will be in full effect December 31, 2023. This policy applies to all university campuses, medical centers and affiliates controlled by the UC Regents. Prompted by the Gender Recognition Act or SB 179, the policy requires specific procedures which include, among others, that a nonbinary gender option be included on university forms and in UC systems. 


For Researchers, this means that you will need to be mindful of this policy when drafting survey forms, questionnaires and other documents that collect gender and name.


Remember!!  When collecting gender, list the following minimum options to be compliant with UC policy: woman, man, and nonbinary. In addition, allow for lived name where legal name is not required.  Where it may be applicable, permit for the amendment of records to reflect gender identity and lived name. Process should be efficient and at no cost to subject.



  1. Per a directive from the Executive Office of the President (M-23-13, dated February 23, 2023) TikTok is prohibited on federal devices.  Additional information may be found under the Prohibition on a Byte Dance Covered Application (June 2023).


Remember!!!  Don’t use TikTok on either a device issued under a federal award or as a recruitment or other research study mechanism if the study is funded by federal dollars.



  1. The UCI seal is an official logo.  Use your department letterhead or department wordmark when creating recruitment materials.  If you must use the UCI seal, you need an official approval. Visit the UCI Brand webpage for additional information.




  1. The UCI IRB has a Recruitment Material Master Template.  Use the form available on the HRP webpage, as appropriate for your exempt or expedited research study. Researchers MUST adhere to HRP Policy 22 and UCI Brand Guidelines when using this template.


Remember!!!  UCI Brand guidelines preclude the use of the official UCI university seal without approval.  Email for approval of use. When representing UCI research, demonstrate excellence! Ensure Brand standards and HRP Policy are met.