Special Research Programs
Special Research Programs (SRPs) provide a structure for collaborative research activities that do not fit the definition and purpose of other organized research at UCI. An SRP may, for example, be formed in response to a special funding opportunity, as the campus branch of a UC research program, or as part of a governmental initiative.…
Read MoreSchool Centers
Deans may approve school-based research organizations for a set period of time. A designation as a “School Center” can benefit collaborative research when seeking gifts, grants, and contracts from external sources. School Center GuidelinesFind out more about School Centers, including how a center is officially recognized and added to this list. Learn More UCI School…
Read MoreOther Centers & Institutes
“Other” research units do not fit the definition of an Organized Research Unit (ORU), Special Research Program (SRP) or Campus Center, but are similarly interdisciplinary. These units may have been designated as Centers by a sponsoring agency such as the National Science Foundation (NSF) or the National Institutes of Health (NIH). UCI Other Centers &…
Read MoreExport Controls
What are Export Controls? Export Controls are federal laws that regulate the shipment or transfer of controlled items, software, technology, or services outside of the United States. In addition, these laws also restrict the release of certain information to foreign nationals in the U.S., otherwise known as a “deemed export”. In order to ensure compliance…
Read MoreCannabis Research
Proposition 64 enacted in California on November 8, 2016 allows for the use, cultivation, and sale/distribution of marijuana for non-medical purposes among people over the age of 21. However, based on federal law, marijuana is categorized as a Schedule I drug with “no currently accepted medical use” in the United States. There is no provision…
Read MoreHuman Stem Cell Research
Charge of the UCI hSCRO The Human Stem Cell Research Oversight Committee (hSCRO) assures human stem cell activities are: In accord with National Academies and California DHS guidelines and ethical guidelines (e.g., Belmont Report, Declaration of Helsinki), and In compliance with California statute and California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) regulations and applicable campus policies…
Read MoreAnimal Care & Use
UC Irvine’s IACUC (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee) is composed of scientists, non-scientists, veterinarians and community members – all appointed by the Vice Chancellor for Research. This committee oversees all aspects of the Animal Care and Use program at UCI. Read More… About our IACUC UC Irvine’s IACUC (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee)…
Read MoreHuman Research Protections
About Human Research Protections (HRP) HRP manages UCI’s human research protections program by providing administrative support to its Institutional Review Boards (IRB), which are responsible for protecting the safety and welfare of human subjects. Federal regulations, state laws, and UC/UCI policy require IRB review and approval before researchers may conduct research involving human subjects. HRP staff…
Read MoreResearch Development
Research Development in the Office of Research The Research Development team in the Office of Research (OR), is charged with advancing and supporting sponsored research across all of UCI. We are especially focused on large or complex, interdisciplinary projects that involve multiple faculty, departments or research units. Our team works with and supports individual school…
Read MoreRCR & Research Misconduct
The University of California is committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity in research across all levels of the organization, as set forth by UC policy. See also the UC Office of Ethics, Compliance & Audit Services Policy on Student Conduct and Discipline, and the Responsibilities for Conduct & Administration of Research section of…
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