Deans may approve school-based research organizations for a set period of time. A designation as a "School Center" can benefit collaborative research when seeking gifts, grants, and contracts from external sources.
School Center Guidelines
Find out more about School Centers, including how a center is officially recognized and added to this list.
UCI School Centers
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Advanced Power and Energy Program (APEP)

Air Pollution Health Effects Laboratory (APHEL)

Center for Administrative Data Analysis

Center for Aging Research in Down Syndrome

Center for Algorithms and Theory of Computation

Center for Armenian Studies

Center for Artificial Intelligence in Diagnostic Medicine (CAIDM)

Center for Autism Research and Translation (CART)

Center for Citizen Peacebuilding

Center for Clinical Research

Center for Cognitive Neuroscience and Engineering

Center for Cosmology

Center for Culture & Capital

Center for Early Cultures

Center for Emergency Response Technologies

Center for Environmental Biology

Center for Environmental Health Disparities Research

Center for Epigenetics and Metabolism

Center for Ethnography

Center for Evidence-Based Corrections

Center for Health Care Management & Policy

Center for Hydrometeorology and Remote Sensing (CHRS)

Center for Integrative Movement Sciences (CIMS)

Center for Jewish Studies

Center for Knowledge, Technology and Society

Center for Land, Environment, and Natural Resources (CLEANR)

Center for Language Science

Center for Legal Philosophy

Center for Liberation, Anti-Racism and Belonging (C-LAB)

Center for Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems

Center for Neural Circuit Mapping

Center for Neuropolitics

Center for Neurotherapeutics

Center for Nursing Philosophy

Center for Pervasive Communications and Computing

Center for Psychology & Law

Center for Storytelling

Center for the Advancement of Logic, its Philosophy, History, and Applications (C-ALPHA)

Center for the Study of Cannabis

Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences

Center for Tissue Engineering

Center for Trauma and Injury Prevention Research

Center of Excellence on Elder Abuse and Neglect

Center on Stress and Health

Clean Energy Institute

Cultural Resilience and Learning Center (CRLC)

Eddleman Quantum Institute

Education Center for Research on Teacher Development and Professional Practice

Edwards Lifesciences Foundation Cardiovascular Innovation and Research Center

Environmental Humanities Research Center

Experimental Social Science Laboratory

Fred T. Korematsu Center for Law and Equality

Institute for Money, Technology & Financial Inclusion

Institute for Software Research

International Center for Writing and Translation

Irvine Center for Addiction Neuroscience

Laboratory for Ubiquitous Computing and Interaction (LUCI)

Microbiome Center

Multiple Sclerosis Research Center (MSRC)

Online Learning Research Center

Postsecondary Education Research & Implementation Institute

Quantum Materials and Devices Laboratory (QMDL)

Reeve-Irvine Research Center (RIRC)

Research Center for Exercise Medicine and Sleep

Steckler Center for Responsible, Ethical, and Accessible Technology (CREATE)

The Environmental Collaboratory

UCI Center for Healthspan Science

UCI Critical Theory

UCI Labor Center

Vaccine Research and Development Center

Water UCI