Submission of New Applications & 3-Year Renewals of IACUC Protocols
Start the Process
Only 2 roles in RMS have permissions to create, edit, and submit new applications or 3-year renewals to the IACUC:
"Principal Investigator" and “Co-Investigator/Senior Researcher”
If you do not have either of these roles, email for assistance
Preparing your submission:
- See the RMS User Guide for guidance on how to use RMS.If you need technical assistance, contact: - See Protocol Writing Tips & Guidance for suggestions and best practices to help improve your chances of obtaining IACUC approval.
- IMPORTANT: The Lead Researcher (LR) must complete required CITI training, or this may delay application processing.
- It is strongly recommended submitting your submission as early as possible. Submissions must be received by the deadline date and time to be considered as an item on the full committee meeting agenda.
Submission Deadlines & Meeting Dates
NOTE: Submitting by the deadline date does NOT guarantee making it onto the meeting agenda! Agenda capacity is determined on a first-come, first-served basis, dependent on the number of submissions already received and the number of scientific reviewers available.
- For guidance about hazards, please contact EH&S at (949) 824-2041
Pre-review Process:
Once submitted, your protocol will undergo a rigorous pre-review by IACUC committee members, administrative, veterinary, and EH&S staff.
If additional clarifications are needed, a pre-review summary will be sent to the LR to allow for the opportunity to clarify, revise, and respond to comments prior to the date of the IACUC full committee meeting.
See Responding to Pre-review for more info
3-year Renewal Tips
For on-going experiments: Refer to your old (or current) protocol to copy/paste relevant information into the appropriate RMS sections/tabs.
**You will receive a confirmation email, stating whether or not your submission made it onto the agenda for the next full committee meeting.
Important Reminders
- For 3-year renewals, the renewal application must be reviewed and approved before the current protocol cycle expires to avoid a lapse in approval. If the current protocol expires before the renewal is approved, all live animal work must cease and may not resume until approval from the IACUC has been obtained for the new cycle.Any remaining animals housed under the expired protocol will be transferred to the ULAR Holding Protocol. Animals on the holding protocol are off-limits to investigators and no experimental manipulations or observations are allowed. Refer to the Holding Protocol Policy for more information.
- All laboratory personnel with live-animal contact must complete the Laboratory Animal Occupational Health Program (LAOHP) Questionnaire (this needs to be updated annually). Refer to the LAOHP for more information. For questions regarding the LAOHP, please contact EH&S at (949) 824-3757.
- Other additional regulatory committee reviews may be required for your study, if you use any of the following:
- Hazardous Agents (e.g., infectious agents, human/primate materials, recombinant DNA, chemical, etc.) may require IBC review – Contact or (949) 824-8024
- Human Stem Cells (e.g., embryonic, induced adult hSCs, etc.) may require hSCRO review – Contact
- Radioactive agents or instruments (e.g., iodinated proteins, irradiator, X-rays, etc.) may require RSC review – Contact RSC at (949) 824-6098 or (949) 824-4557
- Human cells (e.g., patient cancer cells, blood, tissues, etc.) may require IRB review – Contact
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