For Participants in Human Subject Research

Research participants contribute greatly to society through taking part in studies. UCI's Human Research Protections (HRP) and Institutional Review Board (IRB) exist to ensure the rights and welfare of research participants. Please see the below resources we curated to help answer common questions from participants:

Have a Concern or Complaint?

HRP is concerned about the safety, rights and welfare of all individuals participating in UCI research studies.

All reported concerns or complaints to the HRP are handled with care and taken seriously.

Reporting a Concern or Complaint

Human Research Protections (HRP) is concerned about the safety, rights and welfare of all individuals participating in research studies conducted by UCI personnel and/or at UCI, UCI Medical Center, or affiliated sites. All research concerns or complaints reported to the HRP are taken seriously.

The Consent form or Information Letter that you receive when you are invited to be a research participant includes the contact information of the researcher. We recommend that you contact the researcher if you have questions, concerns, or complaints about the research study, especially if you are experiencing medical problems.

If you have general research questions, concerns, or complaints about the research that we may be able to help resolve, or questions about your rights as a research subject, we encourage you to contact our office.

General Questions:
General IRB Phone Number: (949) 824-8170

Human Research Protections
324 Aldrich Hall
Irvine, CA 92697

If you contact our office, every precaution will be taken to maintain your confidentiality. If you report a problem, we might need to reveal your name or other information about you in order to investigate the problem. A representative from our office will contact you before revealing information about you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Regulations to Protect Volunteers in Research

Learn about the regulations that protect people who participate in research, why we have them, and who enforces them. (Courtesy of: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)).

Recommended Resources on the Web

UCI Center for Clinical Research
Provides a link to the clinical research studies being conducted by UCI College of Medicine Faculty members.

OHRP Human Research Volunteer Informational Videos (in English and Spanish)
A service of the National Institutes of Health provides regularly updated information about federally and privately supported clinical research in human volunteers. gives you information about a trial's purpose, who may participate, locations, and phone numbers for more details.

Provides information about clinical research as well as clinical trial listings.

A service of the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health that provides information on over 650 diseases and conditions, on prescription and nonprescription drugs, health information from the media, and links to thousands of clinical trials.

The Food and Drug Administration’s webpage that provides important and timely clinical information about safety issues involving medical products, including prescription and over-the-counter drugs, biologics, medical and radiation-emitting devices, and special nutritional products (e.g., medical foods, dietary supplements and infant formulas).

Provides health information in both English and Spanish.

National Cancer Institute
Provides information about all types of cancer, cancer treatment, coping with cancer and links to cancer clinical trials.

Medical Privacy - National Standards to Protect the Privacy of Personal Health Information
The Office for Civil Rights provides information about your health information privacy rights Under the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

Health Information | National Institute on Aging  
The National Institutes on Aging's website provides aging-related health information.

Center for Information & Study on Clinical Research Participation (CISCRP)
Provides potential clinical research participants with many facts and information about the clinical trial process, including information about subjects’ rights, benefits, and risks; including answers to key questions people have about research. The Center also includes a way for people to sign up if they’d like additional information, such as a quarterly update called "The Participant."

Should I Enter a Clinical Trial? A Patient Reference Guide for Adults with a Serious or Life-Threatening Illness (PDF)
A publication by America's Health Insurance Plans.

Pamphlet from the Office of Human Research Protections: Becoming a Research Volunteer: It's Your Decision (PDF)

Folleto de la Oficina para la Protección de Seres Humanos en Estudios de Investigación: Ser Voluntario en Estudios Clinicos: Es Su Decisión (PDF)