Research Security & International Engagement Committee

    • The Research Security & International Engagement Committee is charged by the Provost to promote and facilitate responsible international engagements and collaborations through the following:


    • Developing local policy and procedures to implement UC policy and federal rules and regulations;


    • Overseeing and managing UCI's research security and integrity compliance and risk mitigation program;


    • Managing risk and compliance processes to facilitate responsible international  engagements, collaborations, and partnerships in furtherance of UCI's mission;


    • Reviewing international  engagements that may pose higher than normal risks (export control, institutional reputation, legal consequences, etc.);


    • Providing advance consultation and approval of international activities or suggest alternatives; and


    • Forwarding requests for appeal of any research-related RSIEC determinations to the Vice Chancellor for Research for a final decision.


The Committee consists of representatives from multiple offices across the campus.

    • Chair: Bruce Morgan, Special Advisor


    • Vice Chair: Grace Park, Director of Research Engagement and Compliance