Federal Sponsor Disclosure Requirements

In response to the concerns about undue foreign influence, many federal agencies have adjusted or clarified their disclosure requirements.  Please always refer to the terms and conditions in the award.  The information below highlights some of the main clarification and requirements of the federal sponsors.

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    National Science Founation logo National Science Foundation

    May 20, 2024: 2024 Proposal & Award Policies and Procedures Guide in effect including prohibition on senior/key personnel participating in malign foreign talent recruitment programs. See Summary of Changes.

    US Department of Energy seal Department of Energy

    November 26, 2024: DOE published a new memo and website for the Research, Technology, and Economic Security.

    US Department of Defense seal Department of Defense

    August 9, 2024- DoD starts prohibiting any funding or award to a fundamental research project in which a covered individual is participating in a malign foreign talent recruitment program

    NASA logo National Aeronautics and Space Administration

    Oct. 1, 2024- New Grants and Cooperative Agreements Manual issued.