NIH Biosketch & Other Support

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has issued new requirements for Other Support reporting and Biographical Sketches (Biosketches) submitted on or after January 25, 2022.

The information provided below summarizes these new requirements.


How to Comply with NIH Biosketch Requirements

A biosketch is a streamlined version of your CV (curriculum vitae) requested by most funding agencies and institutions. NIH and NSF both use standard biosketch formats that are periodically updated. Foundation and industry sponsors may also have specific requirements when requesting your CV/Biosketches.




Follow the format  and instructions outlined in NIH guidance .


Use of SciENcv  to generate Biosketch.

Not required
(available for use)

Section A: Personal Statement

Brief description of why the investigator is well-suited for the role on the proposed project.


Citation of up to four (4) publications or research products that highlight the investigator’s experience and qualifications for the proposed project.


Section B:  Positions, Scientific Appointments, and Honors

List in reverse chronological order all current positions and scientific appointments, both domestic and foreign. Include:

  • All affiliations with entities or governments outside the United States

  • All titled academic, professional, or institutional appointments

    • whether or not remuneration is received

    • whether full-time, part-time, or voluntary (including adjunct, visiting, or honorary)


Section C: Contributions to Science

No updates or changes to instructions.


Section D:  Research Support

List ongoing and completed research projects from the past three years that the investigator wishes to highlight. 

(up to four (4) research highlights included in ‘Section A’)

How to Comply with NIH Other Support Reporting

NIH requires disclosure of all resources made available to a researcher in support of and/or related to any of their research endeavors, regardless of whether they have monetary value and regardless of whether they are based at UCI.



Follow the format  and instructions outlined in NIH guidance .


Use of SciENcv  to generate Other Support

Note: NIH anticipates the SciENcv template for Other Support will be available beginning in FY 2022.

Not required
(optional when SciENcv template made available)

Disclose ALL active and pending sources of Other Support, including:

  • Sponsored projects/proposals (including projects not routed through UCI or conducted as part of a non-UCI appointment)

  • External consulting, when an investigator will be involved in the design, conduct, or reporting of research as part of the consulting activities (e.g., work that may result in publication in an academic journal, designing a protocol, data analysis, serving on a steering committee for a clinical trial)

  • In-kind (i.e., non-monetary) resources that meet all the following criteria:

    • Are not publicly/widely available, and

    • Were provided by a non-UCI entity (either domestic or foreign), and

    • Were provided in the past three years, and

    • Are not being used on the proposed project, and

    • Aside from the proposed project, are being actively used in support of any of an investigator’s other research endeavors.

  • In-kind resources include, but are not limited to:

    • Personnel (e.g., visiting scholars, visiting students, supported by a non-UCI entity)

    • Space

    • Equipment

    • Materials

    • Supplies

  • ​​​​​Note: In-kind resources intended for use on the proposed project should be included as part of the 'Facilities and Other Resources' or 'Equipment' section of the application and not 'Other Support'


(split into separate sections for sponsored projects/proposals and in-kind resources)

Active/pending sponsored project total award amount
Note: For subawards, only the total subaward amount needs to be included

Award Amount
(Direct + Indirect)

All investigators required to submit Other Support must also electronically sign their respective documents using the Docusign or Adobe Professional.

  • A typed name is not an electronic signature and is not acceptable.

  • Wet (ink) signatures are not acceptable.


Flatten  Other Support PDFs after signature.


NIH requires supporting documentation in the form of English-language versions of any foreign contracts, grants, and other agreements specific to Senior/Key Personnel foreign appointments, affiliations, and/or employment with an institution or entity outside of the United States.

Note: Google translations, or similar, are acceptable, but certified translations may be required upon request.


Immediately notify your Contract and Grant Officer in Sponsored Projects Administration (SPA) and your Departmental Contract and Grant Administrator of undisclosed Other Support (i.e., information that was missing from a proposal at Just-In-Time (JIT) or a Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR)).
