Obtaining Sponsored Projects Review and Endorsement
Sponsored Projects Review
Sponsored Projects staff is available to assist the Principal Investigator and/or unit in any phase of proposal preparation. Proposals are carefully reviewed to ensure that they comply with University, federal, and/or state requirements. Proposals are reviewed for institutional commitments and include the following criteria:
- Review the Kuali Research Proposal Development document for appropriate approvals and compliance with applicable research protection policies;
- Verification of Kuali Research Proposal Development questions regarding international engagements;
- Verification of Principal Investigator eligibility;
- Verification of the correct use of institutional identifiers;
- Verification that proposed costs are consistent with campus and federal cost principles;
- Verification that the correct Facilities & Administrative rate is used for the proposed activity and location of activities;
- Verification of cost-share commitments;
- Verification of documentation for subcontractors and/or consultants;
- Review and signature of certifications and representations.
Investigators should notify their assigned Grants or Contracts Officer as soon as possible when preparing to submit a proposal. The review and institutional endorsement of a proposal requires time and cannot be left to the last minute.
What to Submit
For institutional endorsement by Sponsored Projects, the proposal must be submitted for review in Kuali Research. At minimum, the following elements of the proposal must be provided in the Kuali Research Proposal Development document:
- Copy of the Sponsor's Program Solicitation or Request for Proposal
- Financial Disclosure Form(s), if applicable
- Original Application Pages Requiring Institutional Endorsement
- Draft Abstract
- Draft Budget and Budget Justification
- Draft Statement of Work
- Draft Biographical Sketches
- Draft Other Support
- Draft Facilities and Resources
- Additional Attachments, when applicable
- Cost Sharing Commitment Letter(s)
- Consultant Commitment Letter(s)
- Subcontract Commitment Letter(s) and proposal, signed by an authorized institutional representative
- Request for Exception to Principal Investigator Eligibility
- Request for an Facilities & Administrative Costs Waiver
- Certifications and Representations
When submitting a proposal in draft form for review and endorsement, Sponsored Projects requires a final copy of the proposal submitted to the sponsor be forwarded to the Office of Research Administration within five business days.
Clinical Trial Proposals Supported by For-Profit Sponsors
The review and endorsement of industry sponsored clinical trials by Sponsored Projects requires additional documentation. Please see Clinical Trials for more information.
Electronic Submissions
Many sponsors are developing and implementing electronic systems that allow the University to submit proposals electronically, either through the internet or via e-mail.
Each sponsor may impose different registration requirements and procedures. Sponsored Projects is responsible for institutional registration and maintaining institutional profiles. Many systems also require individual registration, which will be handled in accordance with each sponsor's guidelines. For further information regarding applicable ERA systems, see our Electronic Research Administration Systems page.
Despite the method of submission, Sponsored Projects review and endorsement of proposals requesting extramural funding is required prior to submission to the sponsor.