How to Submit NEW Protocols for hSCRO Review

Activities that require hSCRO review must be described in a hSCRO KRP application.

  • Please complete each section as prompted in the instruction box.
  • For sections such as the background information, aims, outcome variables, methods and procedures, the investigators are encouraged to provide information listed in grant applications to ensure that the Committee has sufficient and complete information for review.
  • Study Funding:
    Investigators should provide information related to the source of funding for their project.
  • Applicable Ancillary Reviews:
    Indicate all applicable ancillary committee reviews that are required for this research. If a protocol has already been approved specify the protocol number.

Additional guidance: Please note Conflict of Interest Oversight Committee (COIOC) review is not applicable to hSCRO regulated research): 

    • UCI IRB approval is required when:
      • embryos, gametes, embryos are collected at UCI (or by a UCI investigator)
      • tissue such as skin, blood, hair is collected at UCI (or by a UCI investigator) for the purpose of obtaining induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)
    • IACUC review is required if any of the cell products are used in animals (in vivo)
    • IBC review is required for almost all activities reviewed by hSCRO (it is possible that if a pluripotent cell product was already used at a non-UCI facility to create a final product which is composed of already differentiated cells at UCI and arrives sealed for use at UCI, it may possibly not need IBC review).
    • All other committee reviews are in parallel with hSCRO review
    • The lead researcher is responsible to obtain all approvals before activities begin
    • hSCRO will hold approval for all new hSCRO studies that have yet to obtain IBC approval
  • Location and Storage of Cells:
    Indicate the location (building and room number) for research activities (cell culture, animal experiments) and storage of materials.
  • Departmental Approval:
    An assurance statement is prompted via a KRP email notification (with subject line  “Ancillary Partner Clearance Required"), sent to the Department/ Organized Research Unit (ORU) Chair/Director or their  designee.
  • Lead Researcher Certification:
    Lead Researcher/Principal Investigator must review the list of responsibilities which must be met to ensure adequate conduct and oversight of the study.
Picture of 3 people, a DNA strand and a large hand wrapped around all.

Kuali Research Protocols (KRP)

UCI's IRB, sIRB and hSCRO submission and management system.

When completing the KR Protocol information, under the section “Cell Line Provenance”, consider the following:

  • Material:
    Each cell line or material such as human embryonic cell line, human induced pluripotent stem cell line, embryo, oocyte, fetal tissue or fetal-tissue derived cell lines, neural stem cells that will be used in animals must be listed individually on a separate row.Non-human cell lines, cell lines that are not pluripotent (except for fetal-tissue origin multipotent stem cells or neural progenitors cells to be used in vivo) will NOT need to be listed in the Cell Tracking Table.Somatic cells (fibroblasts) that have not yet been used to create pluripotent lines should NOT be included in the Cell Tracking Table. Instead, somatic cells which are stored for later use should be mentioned under "Location and Storage of Cells" section of KR Protocol.
  • Cell Line Name / ID:
    Each cell line must be listed with either their name or ID. If multiple cell lines are made from the same source (for example, if multiple iPSCs are made from the sample fibroblast line, each iPSCs line should be listed separately).
  • Supplier:
    List the name or the individual or institution that will directly supply the material. Examples are provided in the table.
  • Provenance / Source Information:
    List the specific Cell Registry, UCI or non-UCI IRB-approved protocol number under which the source material was collected or the Company and the Catalog number for somatic cells used to generate iPSCsFor materials such as induced pluripotent stem cells, fresh somatic cells, or Non-Registered Embryonic Pluripotent Cell Lines, upload the following documents in KR under attachments:

    1. A sample Consent Document
    2. IRB (or equivalent ethics review) Approval Letter (this can be replaced by an IRB-stamped approved sample consent)
    3. In some instances (such as cell lines from Coriell), the approved consent form can be replaced by a statement from the providing company or institution indicating specimens are de-identified, no access to the key code will be granted,
    4. and appropriate IRB (or equivalent) oversight was in place at the time of donation is acceptable.For fetal tissue materials, upload documents as described under the webpage details related to provenance documents to submit, review the Cell Provenance Policy table at
  • Registry Number:
    For human embryonic stem cells only, list the specific NIH, CIRM, UK Stem Cell Registry number.


Questions about Submitting to the UCI hSCRO

Feel free to contact if you have any questions about the hSCRO
review process or how to complete the hSCRO application.