UCI IRB Metrics Dashboard
UCI IRB Metrics This will house the IRB Metrics Dashboard. This is updated at the end of each day, so this information reflects previous days’ studies.
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Read MoreKRPD User Guide for Initiators
Getting Started in KR Proposal Development Logging In Go to Zot!Portal (portal.uci.edu). Click Login in the upper right corner. Enter your UCInetID and password in the Web Authorization screen Click Login. Navigate to Faculty & Staff > Research > Kuali Research Proposals. Click Create a Proposal. If the Research Tab is not available to you,…
Read MoreKR Institutional Proposals
KR Institutional Proposals The Institutional Proposal (IP) document is the master record for the submitted funding proposal. Officers can update the IP document with attachments, Special Review details, or other details during the JIT/pre-award phase Quick Nav MenuIntro to Institutional Proposal for OfficersProposal Development to Institutional ProposalAccess to Institutional Proposal for OfficersMedusaIP Document LookupProposal Record…
Read MoreKR Conflict of Interest
KR Conflict of Interest The KR Conflict of Interest user guide has been divided into two versions, one tailored for Initiators & Faculty and the other for Officers. Please choose the version most appropriate for you using the toggle below. The default is Initiators & Faculty. For Initiators & Faculty For Officers Completion of an…
Read MoreKR Negotiations
KR Negotiations The Kuali Research Negotiations user guide has been divided into two versions, one tailored for Initiators & Faculty and the other for Officers. Please choose the version most appropriate for you, using the toggle below. The default is Initiators & Faculty. For Faculty & Initiators For Officers View the Negotiation Activities To view…
Read MoreAdditional Information
Additional Information (Proposals with Subawards, Link Feature, Summary/Submit, Approver Actions) Proposals with Subawards For proposals that include subawards, follow the instructions below:Basics tab > Sponsor & Program Information:Check the Subawards checkbox (Yes, this proposal includes subaward(s))Attachments tab:Attach all Subrecipient package documents to the Internal Attachments pageCompliance tab:Add a compliance entry by selecting “Outgoing Subaward” as…
Read MoreNavigating a Proposal
Navigating a KR Proposal Header The document header on the top displays six fields of reference information about the Proposal document. Left – Proposal InfoDescription Proposal numberNumber incrementally assigned by the system Principal Investigator (PI)Not yet assigned displays until a PI is added  on the Key Personnel screen, then the person’s name is displayed. Right…
Read MoreCreating a Proposal
Creating a Proposal Basics Proposal Details Proposal Details is the first screen in the Basics menu navigation of the proposal. In the ‘Create Proposal’ process, when the initial ‘required fields for saving’ fields are completed and the user clicks ‘save and complete,’ the Proposal Details screen appears. When opening existing proposals, the Proposal Details screen…
Read MoreGetting Started
Getting Started in KR Proposal Development Logging In Go to Zot!Portal (portal.uci.edu). Click Login in the upper right corner. Enter your UCInetID and password in the Web Authorization screen Click Login. Navigate to Faculty & Staff > Research > Kuali Research Proposals. Click Create a Proposal. If the Research Tab is not available to you,…
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