Creating a Proposal


Proposal Details

Proposal Details is the first screen in the Basics menu navigation of the proposal. In the ‘Create Proposal’ process, when the initial ‘required fields for saving’ fields are completed and the user clicks ‘save and complete,’ the Proposal Details screen appears. When opening existing proposals, the Proposal Details screen is the opening screen.

Proposal Details

Required fields for saving (those marked with an asterisk *) may be edited once the proposal has been saved. To edit or enter into the field you have the following field types:

  • Drop-Down: scroll through the options and highlight your selection
  • Date: click in the field to activate the calendar tool (either use the tool or manually enter date)
  • Text: click in the field and edit the existing text
  • Lookup: click in the field and use the lookup tool to locate the item

The proposal will remain editable while saved but once submitted into routing for approval it will be locked down.  If the proposal is returned to the initiator for edit during the workflow review, it will become editable again.

  • Proposal type - Used to identify the type of proposal (e.g. New, Resubmission, Revision, etc.).
  • Lead Unit - The unit/department assigned to a proposal. (Proposal Creator Access is managed in KSAMS. Refer to the Logging In section for instructions on obtaining Proposal Creator and/or Admin Contact role access in KSAMS.)
  • Activity Type - The university functional area for this proposal (e.g. Basic Research, Applied Research, Instruction, Student Service, Fellowship, etc.).
  • Project Dates - Beginning and end of the entire project period.
  • Project Title - Proposal project title.
  • Sponsor - A unique identifier for the sponsoring organization for the project. Kuali will display the Sponsor Name to the right of the Sponsor Code. You can either begin typing in the name of the sponsor, or use the magnifying glass lookup tool to search for the sponsor.
    • Some frequently used sponsor codes are:
      • 003401 - National Institutes of Health (NIH) Miscellaneous (can be used for all NIH sponsors)
      • 005400 - National Science Foundation (NSF)
      • 002399 - Department of Defense (DOD) Miscellaneous (can be used for all DoD sponsors)\
      • 009850 - Miscellaneous Sponsors

*Can't find or need to request a new sponsor code? Please contact the ERA Team for assistance.

  • Prime Sponsor Code - A unique identifier for the prime sponsoring organization, which is the original funding source for the project. Kuali will display the Prime Sponsor Name to the right of the Prime Sponsor Code. Complete this field if you will not submit this proposal directly to the funding agency, but to a collaborator for inclusion in their application to the funding agency. (e.g. you are submitting as a subawardee).

Delivery Info

The Delivery Info screen is optional and can be used to provide information to SPA. This screen is relevant for submissions that need cover letters signed by the authorized official, and proposals that will be submitted directly to the sponsor by the PI.

Delivery Info
  • Submission By: Select an option to describe which party is responsible for submitting the authorized proposal to the sponsor
  • Submission Type: Select an option to describe in how the proposal will be transmitted
  • Submission Account ID: Leave blank.
  • Submission Name & Address: Not required.
  • Number of Copies: if applicable, enter a numeric value for the number of proposal hardcopies that must be provided or submitted.
  • Submission Description: use this field to provide information and details about the submission.

Sponsor and Program Information

This screen is used to provide submission information regarding the proposal.

Sponsor And Program Information
  • Sponsor Deadline (date) - Click in the field to open the calendar tool to select the date, or type in mm/dd/yyyy format to populate the box with the date the proposal is due to the sponsoring agency
  • Sponsor Deadline (time) - Optional. Click in the field to enter the time of day that the proposal is due at the sponsoring agency in ‘hh:mm’ format using military time format e.g. for 5:00PM, enter 17:00
  • Sponsor Deadline Type - Click in the field to view the available options: scroll to select one. (Postmark, Receipt, Target)
  • Notice of Opportunity - Leave blank.
  • Opportunity ID - Leave blank.
  • CFDA Number - Leave blank.
  • Subawards - Check the box to indicate whether the proposal includes subawards to other institution/entities.
    • Please see the Subawards section in the Additional Information section below for instructions on how to include subaward information in your proposal document.
  • Sponsor Proposal ID - Leave blank.
  • NSF Science Code - Leave blank.
  • Anticipated Award Type - Click within the field to display the list, and then click on an item in the list to highlight and select it to make your selection.
  • Opportunity Title - Leave blank.

Organization and Location

Information regarding the Performance Site location is no longer required. Information regarding whether the project will be conducted On-Campus or Off-Campus will now be included on the Supplemental Information section.

Cayuse 424 Link

For grant applications to Federal sponsors utilizing Cayuse 424, paste the link to the Cayuse proposal here. When the proposal is final and ready for submission, check the box to indicate the that it is final.

To sync information from Cayuse to KR (e.g.: project title & dates, personnel), click on the "Pair and Sync" button. Confirm that you would like to sync these data elements. The draft timestamp and most recent sync timestamp will appear.

Cayuse424 Link

Key Personnel

This screen is used to add Principal Investigators (PI), any additional Multiple-PI’s (MPI) and Key Persons (proposal role description required) to the proposal.

Key Personnel

The Add Personnel button will open the lookup where you can search/return an individual, define their role, and then add to the proposal.

Add Personnel

Click Add Personnel to open the person search window.

  1. Ensure "Employee" is selected - it should be the default selection
  2. Enter search criteria to find the person you are looking for; use several fields in the lookup to limit the search results. User Name is their UCI Net ID.
  3. Click Continue to proceed with the search
  4. Review search results and click the radio button at the row you want to select; click Continue.
    - Or click ‘Go Back’ to perform another search.
    - Or click the ‘x’ button in the upper right of the window to exit and close the search.
  5. With a selected person, Assign a role by clicking a radio button beside one of the selections: Principal Investigator or PI/Contact, PI/Multiple, Co-PI or Key Person.
    - Principal Investigator is selected by default for the initial search, and any subsequent search until that role is assigned.
    - PI/Multiple will appear if the proposal is a PHS/NIH sponsor.
    - When Key Person is selected, the Key Person Role field will appear and must be completed.
    - Proposal Roles can be reassigned in the Details tab after proposal persons are added.
  6. Click the Add Person button to complete this task, or click ‘Go back’ to open the previous search results window.


The Compliance screen is used to provide relevant research compliance-related information to SPA. 

To add Compliance items, click on "Add Compliance Entry" and a pop-up will launch:


On the "Add Compliance Entry" popup screen, multiple special reviews of the same type can be added if appropriate for the application. Below outlines how to add/remove a Compliance entry and the field options that become available:

Add Compliance
  • Type: Select the compliance item you will include. Do not use any of the type denoted for SPA ONLY.
    • HSCRO
    • IACUC
    • IBC
    • IRB
    • Outgoing Subaward
    • Other
  • Approval Status: select as applicable.
    • Approved
    • Pending
    • Approval Not Required (do not use - for SPA use only)
    • Incomplete (do not use - for SPA use only)
  • Protocol Number
    • Enter the protocol number if available.
    • Use this field to name the Subaward Entity if you selected "Outgoing Subaward" (20 character limit)
      • Please see the Subawards section in the Additional Information section below for instructions on how to include subaward information in your proposal document.
  • Application Date: Leave blank.
  • Approval date: Leave blank.
  • Expiration Date: Leave blank.
  • Exemption Number: Leave blank.
  • Comments: Provide additional comments, if necessary.



Attach a copy of the proposal file for review. Set the "Status" for the attachment is "Complete."

*Note: If a Proposal Cover Letter or Signed Commitment Form is needed from SPA, please upload a placeholder using Attachment Type: "Proposal Cover Letter" so that SPA can replace it with a signed letter/form upon review. SPA does NOT have the ability to upload additional attachments in the Proposal Attachments section but can replace existing documents.

Add Attachments
  • Attachment Type: Select the attachment type applicable
    • Package - DRAFT Scope of Work
    • Package - FINAL Scope of Work
    • Proposal Package complete per RFA - DRAFT Scope of Work
    • Proposal Package complete per RFA - FINAL Scope of Work
    • Proposal Cover Letter
    • Budget
    • MCA/Subrecipient Commitment form
    • Other proposal attachment
  • Status: Always set as "Complete"
  • Contact name: Not required, leave blank.
  • Email Address: Not required, leave blank.
  • Phone Number: Not required, leave blank.
  • Comments: Provide comments, if necessary.
  • Description: Provide description of attachment (optional)


Not required; Leave blank.


Not required; Leave blank.


Attach any documents that are not part of the proposal file to be submitted to the sponsor here. This may include internal budgets, COI forms, copy of Sponsor Guidelines, etc.

*Note: upon SPA's institutional review, if the KR proposal is returned to initiator for edits and SPA attaches a Proposal Return Attachment, it will appear here, in the Internal Attachments section.

Add Attachments Internal
  • Type: Select the attachment type applicable
    • California 700U
    • Indirect Cost Exception Request
    • Form 800SR for Non-UCI Investigators
    • Form 900SR for Non-UCI Investigators
    • Subrecipient Proposal Package
    • PI Clinical Trial Questionnaire
    • Sponsor Guidelines
    • Draft Agreement
    • Third Party Cost Share Commitment Letters
    • Off-Campus Rate Request
    • Clinical Trial Protocol
    • VCR Cost Share Commitment Letter
    • Other Internal Attachment
  • Status: Always set as "Complete"
  • Description: Provide description of attachment (optional)


You may add notes regarding the proposal and or attachments to this section, if necessary. 

Please be aware that notes CANNOT be deleted.

Click the "+ Add Note" button to add a note. Enter a note topic and note text.


After the note has been added, it will appear as shown in the screenshot below.



There are four categories of questions: General Questionnaire, Clinical Trial, Compliance & EH&S (Environmental Heath & Safety). All questionnaires must be completed. 

Some questions are required for all proposals, and other questions will become conditionally required if answered "yes".



Only a Summary Budget is only required. Do not complete a Detailed Budget. Do not select Modular Budget option. 

For NIH proposals, you will be presented with the option to select a Modular Budget; do not select Modular Budget, even if you are assembling a Modular Budget in or Cayuse. 

To add a budget, first click "Add Budget":


Then provide a Budget Name, select "Start a Summary Budget" (do not select 'Start a detailed budget') and then Click "Create Budget":

Create A Budget Version

On the Periods & Totals tab, you only need to enter dollar amounts in the Direct Cost and F&A Cost columns.

The F&A Rate and Rate Type are not entered here, but will be entered on the Supplemental Information tab instead.

Periods Totals

If there is Mandatory Committed Cost Share, include that amount in the Cost Sharing column. If a value is entered here, you will need to complete the Institutional Commitments > Cost Sharing Section:

Cost Sharing
  • Period: Based on what is entered on the summary page.
  • Percentage: Leave as is.
  • Source Account: this field is required in order to save; but we are currently not utilizing the field. Enter "12345" as a placeholder.
  • Amount: Based on what is entered on the summary page
  • Unit Details: Leave blank.

Once the budget amounts have been entered, Click "Complete Budget":

Complete Budget

Next, select the checkbox that indicates the budget is ready to be submitted to the sponsor . Then click "OK."

Click OK

You can now click "Return to Proposal."

Return To Proposal

All other sections of the budget (Personnel Costs, Non-Personnel Costs, Subawards...) are NOT required and should be left empty.

Left Empty

Note: If your proposal includes Subawards, do not include the subaward budget attachments here. They should all be included in the Subrecipient Proposal Package to be attached on the Internal Attachments section of the Attachments page. Please see the Subawards section in the Additional Information section below for instructions on how to include subaward information in your proposal document.


You can grant access to this proposal to other users if necessary. However, to obtain global access to proposals for your department, refer to the Logging In section for instructions on obtaining Proposal Creator and/or Admin Contact role access in KSAMS.


Supplemental Information

This section contains additional fields that have to be completed. 

  • Sponsor Contact Information: in cases where a cover letter must be provided by SPA, enter the Sponsor Contact info so that your SPA officer knows who to address the letter to
  • On/Off Campus: Indicate where the majority of the proposed project will take place. This will help in determining whether the correct F&A Rate is being applied.
  • F&A Rate: Provide the F&A Rate included in the proposal budget. This field is for numbers only. Do not include the % sign or any alpha characters.
  • F&A Rate Type: Provide the F&A Rate Type included in the proposal budget.
Supplemental Info


The Summary/Submit screen provides a series of tabs with information across the entire proposal so a user can better review the proposal from this single tab.  Proposal preparers can review the summary for completion prior to submitting into workflow.

Summary Submit